What is a Water Footprint?
There are a lot of conversations on how we as Americans can reduce our carbon footprint. A carbon footprint is, according to the UK Carbon Trust, "the total set of greenhouse gases (GHG) emissions caused by an organization, event or product." A water footprint on the other hand is the “virtual” water needed to “grow, raise, or manufacture something.” Thomas M. Kostigen, author of The Green Blue Book: The Simple Water Savings Guide to Everything in Your Life writes about how much hidden water there is in everything we consume. He created an online calculator to help us understand how much water it really takes to brew that cup of coffee you drank this morning as well as many other everyday products.
Click here to access Kostigen’s water footprint calculator.
California Needs More Reliable Water Deliveries, Not More Delta Water
The Sacramento Bee editorialized over the weekend about the Bay Delta
Conservation Plan (BDCP), articulating a position similar to many in
keeping an open ...
12 years ago
i think that this is a very interesting approach in understanding just how much water is used for everyday products.