Landscape Design and Saving Water on Two Sides of the Same Street

There are miles of turf used in landscaping along streets in the Coachella Valley. Sometimes I think I am in Kentucky, or Virginia, or Pennsylvania--anywhere but the desert. Occasionally there is a street where the contrast between what used to be customary (and many of us brought to the valley from the places we used to live a customary idea of beauty) and what is beginning to be recognized not only as suitable, but 'beautiful' as well, stands out in marked contrast. It is as if we have learned to see the beauty around us. And as a result, we promote it. This unnamed street in Rancho Mirage is one such street.





Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Thinking and Doing: Global and Local Perspectives


  1. WOW -- amazing statistics! THanks for informing all of us. Now what we need to do is take action ehre in the desert.

  2. One person at a time will make all the difference in the world. Start small. Set your sprinkler timers early in the morning and later at night when the water wont evaporate so quick. Twice a day is all you need.
    Even better is to switch to desert landscape and change to a drip system.
